Chronology of the water chemistry expert group and their chairmen

Prof. Dr. Thomas Ternes
2022 - dato

Prof. Dr. Torsten C. Schmidt
2013 - 2021

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Jekel
2004 - 2012

Prof. Dr. Fritz H. Frimmel
1992 - 2003
1971 - 1992
Prof. Dr. Karl-Ernst Quentin
1949 - 1970
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Husmann
1945 – 1948
Re-founding of the expert group at the
Technische Hochschule Hannover and election of
Prof. Dr. Husmann as a temporary chairman
1945 - 1948
Preparations for the re-founding of the
expert group after World War II
1933 - 1945
Dr. W. Olszweski
1930 - 1933
Prof. Dr. Josef Tillmans
1926 - 1930
Prof. Dr. Hugo Haupt
Founding of the expert group in the
Botanical Institute of the university of Kiel